Dani, Sydney, Chelsea L. Analiese, Meagan, Elli (crouching)
McKenzie, Jordan, Katie, Ariel, Laura, Heather, Taryn (kneeling)
Brent, Ella and I all went to Cheer Spirit Competition. That's right, Brent went to cheer competition. He had his head hung and was muttering under his breath at first. But then he got into it with one of the cheer dads and started pointing out flaws and mistakes. It was so fun!! Our team was VERY good. They have worked so hard and it paid off! We took 1st place in Show Routine, 1st place in Pom Routine. We did well in Stunt Routine, but it wasn't quite enough to take the State Champ Trophy. I feel like we were definitely the best team there, I may be a little biased but I feel like I am a generally honest person!
Dancers did AWESOME!!! They took 1st in Jazz, 1st in Hip Hop and the State Trophy. They deserve it! They were definitely the best team. I was sitting 2 rows in front of the judges and they were SO impressed with their Jazz Routine. They kept talking about how incredible it looked. Then these 2 ladies came and sat in front of me and when Moapa Cheer took the mat they asked me who it was. I told them Moapa and they (not knowing that is where I was from) said, "Oh, they are so good! They always look incredible!" Congratulations to both teams!!
I love my cheerleaders. They are all my little sisters. I loved cheering in high school. I miss it sometimes. I worked hard and my team was good. We worked together so well and supported each other. I watch these girls and they are talented, smart and are just good girls. I am so proud of them!