I have been torn between the two names that I had on the poll for Scarlet's middle name. Patricia was my mom's oldest sister who passed away from cancer in 2002. Perea was my great granny's middle name. She raised my dad. I have gone back and forth with no real conviction since I found out she as a girl! I have even been praying and really pondering the matter. Well, it came to me in the middle of the night while I was brooding on it. I decided to not use either of them!! Instead I invented a name!! Now, ordinarily I do not support the inventions of new names. I think there are going to be a lot of poor little children out there in a few years, because I've heard some whoppers!! Seeing how it is her middle name, I thought I could get away with it a little more! Sooooo.......... I have decided on Jorlyn. Pronounced with the Jor more prominent. Think JOR-lyn. It is the combination of my sister's and brother's name. (Jordan and Joshlyn) So there it is!! Scarlet Jorlyn Bowler.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
First Day of My Weekend Of Glory
We all had a lot of fun even if the wind was nasty and forced us home sooner than we would have liked. Brent and I were sunburned. We are really smart and forgot to put sunblock on. (Note sarcasm.)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
All Sorts Of Stuff.....
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Little Scarlet

Here is my last ultra sound. I get one every 2-3 weeks. I know that sounds like it should be exciting, and it is.....BUT going to the doctor every 2-3 weeks gets old. The bottom picture she is sucking on her little paws. Everything looks good they say!! Now I just have less than 18 weeks left until she gets here!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
My Reason's To Complain....
Oh I have been complaining a lot! Most of them are trivial and not of much consequence, but complaining I still do.
In the middle of Monday night, Ella barfed all over me and my bed. A few hours later I was also besieged by the stomach flu. Again. Ella has seemed to over come the stomach ailment after just the one episode. I, however, took 2 days to fight it off and still feel unsettled.
Tuesday afternoon, as I lay on my couch, I realized that my terrible stomach pain was rolling down my belly rather periodically. I brushed it off. A few hours later I realized it was now wrapping around to my back. Hmmmm..... I started paying attention to the frequency of these pains and realized they were suspiciously appearing 15 minutes apart. Brent came home for the night, I took Tylenol and went to bed. I could hardly walk and the thought of a 30 minute car ride to the hospital sent me into a panic. In hind sight I was a little irrational, but labor did go away and I'm fine.... for the most part.
Wednesday dawned and I felt better. Ella told me her mouth hurt so I looked into her throat with a flashlight. Her tonsils were red and swollen. We headed to the doctor in Mesquite and the trip/warm doctor's office combination made me sick all over again.
Now I think I'm ok. I'm getting progressively ornerier and that is a sure sign of recovery! Ella is on antibiotic so hopefully she'll be better soon to.
So that is what I have to complain about today!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Baby Shower
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Unconditional Love
Pictured left to right: Black Kitty, Giraffe, Elephant, Boots Monkey
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