Ella is getting big. I took her to the doctor for her shots a few weeks ago and she has almost doubled in size. She weighed 11 lbs 6 oz. 50% for weight. She was 24 inches long. 90% for length. She was so tiny and now I feel like she's huge!! She has learned to smile and laughs out loud and even discovered her voice recently. She likes to randomly squeal and then laughs. She lays in her bouncy chair and kicks her legs like crazy. Brent says she looks like she's having a spazz attack. She is getting so strong. Bad news is that we found out that she didn't have colic ( good news you would think) she has GER. Better known as reflux. It's like really terrible heartburn for adults. I have to squirt medicine down her throat every night, and most of the time she fights it. It makes her have choking episodes that are terrifying. She turns bright red and when she finally catches her breath she screams the most terrible blood curdling scream of fear. But we at least know what it is and she has been much happier ever since we discovered the reason behind her misery. She does really well at cheerleading. Loud noise and chaos are no problem. I took her to the Homecoming pep assembly and the band was so loud and she just sat there. I was holding her and she actually fell asleep. The girls are very cute with her and she just stares at them. She likes the games and as soon as it is cool enough I will take her to the JV ones too. She is very sensitive to everything. Especially wind and heat. Anyways, we love her!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ella Update
Ella is getting big. I took her to the doctor for her shots a few weeks ago and she has almost doubled in size. She weighed 11 lbs 6 oz. 50% for weight. She was 24 inches long. 90% for length. She was so tiny and now I feel like she's huge!! She has learned to smile and laughs out loud and even discovered her voice recently. She likes to randomly squeal and then laughs. She lays in her bouncy chair and kicks her legs like crazy. Brent says she looks like she's having a spazz attack. She is getting so strong. Bad news is that we found out that she didn't have colic ( good news you would think) she has GER. Better known as reflux. It's like really terrible heartburn for adults. I have to squirt medicine down her throat every night, and most of the time she fights it. It makes her have choking episodes that are terrifying. She turns bright red and when she finally catches her breath she screams the most terrible blood curdling scream of fear. But we at least know what it is and she has been much happier ever since we discovered the reason behind her misery. She does really well at cheerleading. Loud noise and chaos are no problem. I took her to the Homecoming pep assembly and the band was so loud and she just sat there. I was holding her and she actually fell asleep. The girls are very cute with her and she just stares at them. She likes the games and as soon as it is cool enough I will take her to the JV ones too. She is very sensitive to everything. Especially wind and heat. Anyways, we love her!!
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I'm glad you found out what was wrong with her. My nephew Isaac had reflux and he literally screamed his whole first year!! Good luck tonight at Homecoming! We'll be there to cheer you on! (Cheer on the cheerleaders?!)
I'm glad you found something to help her. It's hard with babies because all they know to do to let you know something is wrong is cry and most of the time we dont know what it means!?!?! She is soo beautiful. Pictures never do justice and I know she has got to be gorgeous in person! But I think she looks like her Mommy so she has to be beautiful! Keep up the great work. Parenting gets 'familiar' and even more enjoyable.
Cute Ella Pictures. I love the happy face.
What the CRAP ! Blue eyes! Ella has BLUE eyes. I knew I didn't like you and your weak genes! haha-lucky duck!
I am so sad I didn't get to see her at the game. I am sorry I couln't find you. Evelyn was just having a really hard time. I love her blue eyes...I always knew Evelyn would have dark brown. They were that way when she came out and have never changed since. I love them though. Poor little girl with her refux...not fare that she has to deal with that.
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