My Dad's birthday is actually the 6th, but we celebrated early so everyone could be there. He is 47 years young!

Jara and Ella playing nice with the blocks. Ella loves Jara. She starts laughing as soon as she sees her.

Jack snacking on his favorite paw.

Jordan is reluctant to take pictures, so I was helping. He doesn't like it when I sniff him.

Joshlyn and I look nothing alike, our children do not look like us, and they do not look like each other! People must think we stole these babies...or traded!
Happy Birthday Grandpa Julian!
(just couln't resist that one)
Also Ashley...
Out of seven I have some sisters that look like me...and some that don't. It's a lottery when it comes to who the children will look like.
Thanks for sharing the gathering. I sent a card for my brother so hopefully he already received it.
Reading the post makes me feel like I "virtually" celebrated with you guys. I love the photos!
By the way, does your dad ever smile in photos? He looks pretty good for 47!
I love the photo of you, Joshlyn, and the babies.
The cake was delcious, you should have put a picture of it on there. I like the sniff sniff picture best. Jed shivered just seeing it. :)
That is a cute photo of You and Joshlyn. And your baby's I on the other hand think Ella resembles you some. She is so cute and is getting so big.
Ha ha! That last picture and caption made me laugh out loud!! You are so funny! I can't believe how fast this year is going by! Happy 9 months Ella!
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