Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What I Hate Today

1. Catching a summer cold. How is it possible to catch a cold when it is 105 degrees outside?
2. The heat. It only gets worse from here
3. Peppermint tea. By far the most foul, awful crap I have ever ingested. But it does help the sore throat.
4. My daughters decision that only way to be happy is clinging to me and / or climbing me at all times of the day.
5. The inability to sleep, even when I am so tired I could cry.
6. Packing
7. The prospect of moving
8. My crappy attitude today

I am in a bad mood due to my cold. Have patience and be forgiving.


ShEiLa said...

Chin up Ashley!

I can relate to what you are saying. My Ted got pneumonia when he was 6 weeks old... in JUNE??? At that time I didn't even know that was possible.

The only thing worse than being sick in the summer is having your kids sick in the summer.


ps. sorry it hit with the move and all. that does suck.

Jed Wheeler Family said...

This is funny because my next thought for the blah blah blahg was hate/hate relationships. :)hehe
I'll come help you pack!

Lauren said...

Oh man! Feel better. We can't wait til you're in our ward!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I hate moving too!! But on the bright side, you guys will have a new house!
