All mothers, doctors, parents and friends have long had the concerns that TV will rot your brain or make you eyes square. I have heard opinions and read articles that TV viewing will make you fat, lazy and stupid. Well, here is my opinion: I don't care if my daughter watches TV. A lot of TV, or movies or whatever.
I feel it doesn't count if she is JUMPING on the bed while watching Dora the Explorer. She is exercising!
I don't feel like it is going to effect
her if she doesn't really watch it, it's just on in the back ground. Every now and then she will stop and pay attention to an interesting part and then scurry back to her play.
Ella DOES. NOT. SLEEP. And yes, I have tried to implement a sleep regiment since birth, but she DOES NOT conform to any plans or dictates. She is like me, and just doesn't sleep. So if she has only slept for 6 hours at night and then only took a 1 hour nap ( or heaven forbid, no nap at all) she IS going to watch Frog Princess!!
How is tossing my kid into her room, to sit in there for an hour or more before she actually falls asleep, better than letting her watch Sesame Street (learning about
something) while cuddling with me and one of her dolls?
I have come to the conclusion, that schedules ARE NOT for Ella and I. We play each day by the moment. She is smart and healthy and happy. If watching Go Diego Go gives us an hour or so of peaceful co-existence, then I guess that is just what we are going to do!!
Lable me a bad mother if you would like, but Ella is very smart, so I don't really care.