My very cute little lady bug.

Count Dracula, Davy Crockett, Little red riding hood, princess Jara, The Devil (I'm not really dressed up. I just didn't file and trim this morning) , Ladybug and Pirate Brent

Pictures suck. Just ask 'the very grouchy lady bug' , Satan, and Captain Bowler!!

Yeah, Ella is pumped.

At the end of the day Ella's true nature was revealed. She really is a little devil!!
We celebrated my niece and nephews birthdays today. Happy birthday Jackie and Jara!!! We had lots of fun, lots of cake, and everyone was very cute! Ella went trick or treating for the first time, and there has never been a cuter little girl!!
Wow you all really got into the spirit of Halloween. I love that the kids aren't always jazzed about it. Jennifer told me Miss Maddy threw a temper tantrum and kept ripping off her Foofa hat... eventually she got into the groove of things when her bucket started to fill up with chocolate... silly kids. Too young to know what is good for them... lots of sugar. ;)
What cool costumes! It seems you guys all color cordinated with red. I love how the adults dressed up too!
Ha ha ha!! Love the devil costume!
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