Scarlet Jorlyn Bowler was born Monday August 22nd at 11:06am. She was 5lbs 5oz 15 inches long. She was 32 weeks and 3 days, almost 8 weeks early.

She is so tiny! Her cheeks look kind of rough. She had some tape holding in some tubes and it chaffed her brand new skin.

I wish I could just hold and snuggle her, but my time with her is limited. All of her tests so far have come back good. There are lots of long explanations that go with those tests, but I don't feel like repeating them!! Let's just say she is doing really well!! Breathing on her own and emptying her bladder!!

This is her little tiny foot. Ella was small, but she came out with jack rabbit feet!! These feet are so small. She has kind of a lot of dark hair. If she would have gone to term, I think she would have had a bunch!! I think she would have been huge too! I gained a lot of weight with her, but in hind sight, it's a good thing!! Now she has some fat on her!!
We love her so much already. We are hoping she keeps improving and can come home at the beginning of September. I am so thankful for every one's thoughts and prayers. I'm a little overwhelmed and a lot tired, but I will do some better posts in the future!!
Miss Scarlet is beautiful!!!! I am so glad she made it safe and sound.
Hugs to you Momma Ashley. This has had to be a most difficult time.
OH my gosh, congratulations!! What an amazing birth weight! Parker was only 4lbs and was very sick and was home in 3 weeks so I don't picture your stay there being longer then that! I am so glad she is so healthy! And yay for the dark hair!!
Congratulations! She is so precious. I am amazed how well she is doing for 8 weeks early--what a miracle! Hope she continues to do well so she can come home and you can cuddle her all you want. :)
Scarlet looks perfect!Your right her feet are tiny. Glad she is here and your both doing better!
what a cutie - 19 years and almost 12 hours before your little one was born ... my baby girl was born :) so August 22nd is a GOOD day...a very good day!
SO SO Glad all is going well for you and your little one - also glad you have such a good husband to take care of you...what a great man.
thoughts and prayers are with you all
So precious. I'm glad we were able to see her yesterday and she is doing well. I'm excited for her to come home.
btw-Ella was very good at cuddling Annie's baby kittens, she's all ready for Scarlet. Just remind her not to pick her up by the neck. :)
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