Scarlet is tiny and has chicken legs. She also hates the camera and frowns before every picture! We took her to the doctor in Friday, just for a follow up from the hospital. She is 5lbs 15oz and 18 1/4 in long. To us she seems so much bigger!

Ella has been doing a lot of this (watching cartoons) lately. I could act like I care, but I don't!!
I don't like having babies in my room, I hear every little noise and I can't sleep and I just worry about it. So we put Scarlet in her crib, but it's ALL the way down the hall. Brent graciously agreed with me and moved our extra mattress to the room next to hers. It's our computer room. This way I am close but I can't here every little sigh and whimper. So far it has worked great!

This is the only person in the house hold who feels like they are suffering neglect. Poor kitty has been outside more than usual and hasn't got to sleep in some one's lap for awhile.

She officially fits into her preemie clothes and we are working toward newborn size!! They drown her and I have to roll back the sleeves 3 times. Please ignore how crappy I look, I'm still adjusting to lack of sleep!! Seriously haven't done my hair in a week!! And I don't even care!!!
It sounds like you are doing the important things... enjoy Miss Scarlet and the rest will wait. She is so very tiny.
I LOVE that photo of you and Scarlet. I think you and your two girls are just beautiful. Crazy mom-hair and all! :)
She is so precious! My niece was 5 lbs when she was born and like 4 lbs 8 oz when she went home. It took her forever to fit into newborn clothes. But she is catching up. I love how tiny Scarlet is too! Im so happy she is home!
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