1. weenie dog
2. Labrador
3. boxer
4. Boston terrier
5. free mutt that is grateful I saved him from the pound, therefore being the best dog ever.
"There's always a price to be paid for demonstrating to others what they might have accomplished if they had only been strong enough."
I went to the hs play last night and they had a dog in the play that was so well behaved. He just layed on the stage well chaos raged around. If I could find a dog like that I would pay good money for it. Instead I pay good money for nightmare dogs.
#5 made me laugh out loud...Jaci has one living at our house right now :) oh the stories I could tell, the little devil is now a very good dog, but in the beginning not so much (like when she lived in Cali and when she first moved back home - such a NAUGHTY dog) - have Jaci tell you the time she ran 2 miles (a lot of it being up hill) chasing the little booger in her "pj's" and slippers and finally a nice jogger caught him - he was new to her so she didnt want him to "run-a-way" - HILARIOUS - I wouldve let him run ha-ha!
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