The 30 day challenge is over, and I have to say, I'm sad!! I actually had a lot of fun blogging every day. I feel there was only 3 days where the post was lame or I couldn't think of anything. But it was fun having to find something interesting in each day!

Brent and I decided one Christmas tree just wasn't enough, so we decided to get a real one in addition to our fake one. We did NOT remember how bad it sucks to put lights on a tree! Or how hard it is to get it to stay in a stand! Our big one is pre lit. We just stack 3 pieces on top of each other, let the branches down and wa-hla!! This one we had to work for!

As my previous tirades have indicated, Scarlet has NOT been sleeping. At all. Wednesday night as I entered the 2nd hour of rocking her, I just couldn't wait to pee another minute!! I snuck out from under her and left her in the recliner. She stayed half awake for a few more minutes, and then drifted off to sleep. I was unwilling to move her. She stayed asleep for 9 1/2 hours....wait let me rephrase that
9 1/2 hours!! So this is where she has slept the last few days. I sincerely hope I didn't just set down a terrible jinx on my head and she goes back to getting up 3 times a night and not going to bed until 1 am. Because if that happens I'll burn this blog to the ground to counter act it! Let me tell you, less crying baby + more sleep = less stress. Less stress + more sleep = mommy won't have to be medicated and shipped off to the insane asylum!!
sleeping can be tough. i have used a program called sleep sense with both of my girls. i can email you the notes i have jotted down on it. this has saved me with sleep for the girls. and kept me from the going crazy...let me know.
I feel for you... really I do. It is has been a L O N G time since I was in newborn baby mode... but that is something you just don't forget.
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