Brent, Ella and I all went out to the lake with the Wheeler family for 4th of July. We found the most beautiful little cove! It was more like the ocean than the muddy lake usually is. All the kids had so much fun. Ella LOVES the water. She splashed and splashed and then tried to swim. I thought she nearly drowned but she came up sputtering and laughing. This was her life jacket. It was kind of bulky and it looked like it was choking her!

This was our pretty cove. The rocks were sandstone and created a nice shallow pool, perfect for babies!

Ella liked being bobbed up and down in the deeper water. Brent would throw her in the air and let her splash down into the water. We had so much fun!!
This sounds like a wonderful 4th of July adventure. Water in the summer in Nevada is always a winner.
Cute water baby pics! Love the life jacket one!!
Happy late birthday!! When are we going to get together? I would love to see your little one. My email is ambrca@gmail.com or my phone number is 501-0992.
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