I can't believe my baby is a year old. She has gotten so big so fast and it breaks my heart. I have been thinking about her and the day I had her all day. I checked my entry after I brought her home and I didn't tell the whole story of the day she was born. So I will. I woke up on July 12, 2008. My brother called and wanted to go lift weights with Brent. I decided to go so I wouldn't have to sit home by myself. While they lifted weights I decided to walk around the gym. When we got home I felt the over powering urge to clean my house. Half way through dusting I had "an evacuaton of fluids". I didn't call the doctor because I had a false alarm 4 days earlier and I wasn't going back to his office again for nothing! I was due on August 6th. If my water had really broke, I was 25 days early. But it happened again! We called the doctor and started on our way to Mesquite. At Wells Road my water officially broke!! (For those of you who have not experience your water naturally breaking... Yipes!) I had experience NO contractions up to this point. Contractions hit VERY hard and only 2 minutes apart. Everything was sooooo fast! From the minute my water broke until the time she appeared was almost exactly 5 hours! I only pushed for 25 minutes and Ella came into the world.
The nurse handed her to me and she wasn't crying.She just stared up at me with great big eyes. She was so beautiful and the first thing I thought about her was, "her nose is perfect." It was! It took me 3 days to get the nerve to touch it. She was so soft and warm and I instantly fell in love with her. I am still in love with her.
Happy Birthday to my little girl, the light of my life.
What a great birth story! And happy birthday to Ella! I hope you have a great day together!
Oh!! Happy Birthday Ella!!
I know what you mean about baby noses.. so precious!
Ella is a beautiful little girl. It was interesting to hear the birthday story... My water never broke on its own.
She sure is a beautiful girl! I am so in love with her pretty blue eyes (her nose is cute too)!
I cant believe its been a year! I remember both being prego last summer and I was so jealous when Ella was born because we had almost 2 more months to go still!
It goes way too quickly!
What a good story! She is really a year already??? I am learning how fast it goes. It's fun to see them learning so much so fast but it's also sad, I especially hate having a HUGE bin of outgrown clothes only worn once in my garage!
Our babies are growing up too fast! Ella's beautiful. Her "tan" is my favorite, and the blue eyes.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ella!! We're sad we missed her first party!! She is absolutely beautiful and we love her to pieces!
That's a great story. She is a cutie pie! I'm sure time does fly when you have a little one to watch.
I just noticed you had me listed and Amber and Zeus. I better hurry up and get Dave to marry me, huh (or I guess I better say yes, LOL)
Yay, for Ella. Being one is so fun:) Ya it goes way to fast. Her hair is getting really blonde. Now people will ask you guys when your going to have your next one....that happens when they turn one.
haha! nothing like having your water break huh? you hear about it, and see it on movies but don't ever think it will happen to you. oh baby it's weird.
glad ella was so perfect and beautiful at birth. she is adorable, good job you guys!
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