My niece's birthday party is tomorrow and my sister decided to have a Halloween party today. It was a costume party, but Brent and I were lame and didn't dress up. Brent said he was an off duty cop and I said I was a witch. Ella was a unicorn!!

These are our awesome pumpkins!! Brent took over an hour to intricately carve a pirate ship. I made a kitty cat for me and an Ella pumpkin.

My niece was a very cute bunny rabbit.

Ella looks like a dragon, which would probably be more fitting, but she's a unicorn. It was warm so I took her 'head' off.

My nephew was a super cute turtle. Actually he was a tortoise and she was a hare.

My day was AWESOME and came as Sasquatch. He had a face too but he didn't wear it the whole day.
We had so much fun! We had lots of good food and pretty cake. I do love Halloween but I am more excited to take down my jack o lanterns and put up my turkeys tomorrow!! November and December are my FAVORITE months of the whole year.
right on Ashley!
You are such a good mama and I love reading your post...
Such a darling costume... Michajah Ted's girl bought one like that for Maddy and it was too small so I sent it to my sister in Illinois.
Cute. cute. cute.
Ha- Ella is so adorable!! I love it! Great costumes!! :)
I don't dress up either.. :P
Love Ella's costume!
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