Icky is 11 years old,and for those of you who are unfamiliar with the feline race, 11 years is OLD. Especially for an outside, alley cat!
Icky gets her name for several reasons.
1. She has cat allergies and always has goopy, red rimmed eyes.
2. She used to be REALLY skinny, due to her worm problem.
3. She has a fang that grows on the outside of her lip.
4. She has notches taken out of her ears from years of fighting.
5. She DROOLS. Like a pit bull!!
Icky was a mass producer of kittens. She would have at least 2 litters a year. Because of her worm problem making her skinny, and her red rimmed eyes, we always called her a crack hoe. It seemed fitting. Now Icky is a farm cat, and on the farm, if you become a nuisance, you are taken away somewhere and turned loose. In Icky's case, she was released into the wild somewhere near the Virgin River. My parents had thought they had seen the last of this fertile, drooling, fighter...but no!!
I decided to go and pick up some kittens from the animal shelter. The lady showing us the kitties was very nice and had animal lover written all over her. She asked if I would like to meet my kitties mother. Sure!! Why not!? They quickly rounded up all the other cats, telling me the mother was very hostile and was not to be around other cats. On the cage door was a picture of a red cat with an X drawn through it. I thought to myself, "What kind of monster is in there?"
They opened the door, and there was Icky!! In a mesquite animal shelter, when the last time I had seen her was in Overton!! I stood stunned, obvious disbelief on my face.
They told me,"She's so smart!She knows the name we gave her!Oh Lily!"
Lily.... Icky.... Strangely they sound alike!! Icky came running to me and instantly began to purr and drool. "Oh she loves you!" the nice lady exclaimed. I laughed awkwardly.
Well, it was $15 to adopt Icky. I paid for cat I had already once owned. Irony. I couldn't just leave her in that jail where I knew she was headed for the bad end of a cold needle! BUT, prison wasn't bad at all for Icky! In fact, it was like kitty day spa. They de-wormed her,making her fat again. They washed her, something we never did. Aren't cat supposed to bathe themselves? AND they had already fixed her!! Tada!! I figured my parents would be delighted to see their #1 mouse/rabbit/gopher/bird/lizard terrorizer. Especially now that she was fixed! And they were.
Icky had supplied the entire neighbor hood, possibly the valley with her offspring, kicked dog @$$ every day of the week, and killed pests for years. Big pests! She once dragged home part of coyote carcass!
So this is my ode to Icky! The crustiest, ugliest, fiercest kitty cat I know!! May you enjoy the last few lives you have left!
1 comment:
HA HA HA That's awesome! A fitting tribute. Love the phrase
"kicked doggie @$$ everyday of her life." Poor Fred! Icky is a legend! Long may she live!
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