And no I don't mean Edward!! The clinic in Mesquite that I have to go to, is filled with lovely nurses and doctors. They have 2 nurses specifically for blood drawing. They all know me there, because I am around so often, so they know all about my

Unfortunately they got a new 'vampire'.
She was very kind and very professional. But she didn't believe me when I told her my veins have an in tendency to
collapse in my left arm. Yep! That horrible bruise is from a routine blood draw! It left a lump the size of a golf ball for 2 days. Hopefully new vampire is on my right hand side next time!!
It doesn't help that I bruise like a peach!!
*Just incase: sucker is about 3 inches long by 2 inches wide. I tell everyone Brent beats me... : )
ooo that's a good one. I'm pretty sure that is the worst blood drawing bruise I have ever witnessed!
Wow! Definitely doesn't look good. I feel bad for you and also the nurse as I'm sure I've bruised more than my fair share of patients too. Here hoping it heals fast as it's probably getting too warm for long sleeves.
Is Ella feeling better?
Wow nice one!
Oh wow!! Ouch!
oh man this looks really painful ash. Ella is a doll and I hate the teething phase. Evelyn has had it really bad lately as well. YUCK
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