There has been a flurry of activity at the Bowler house hold. First, I decided it was time to paint the hall bathroom. It went from dingy, nasty pink TO.... slightly brighter pink. Well, at least it's fresh!

We are also in the middle of putting up a long awaited fence. It has been quite the process! This is Brent, Nick and Nathan marking out where the posts will go. This weekend we are going to auger the holes, cement in the poles and stretch the chain link. Holy expensive work!!

My front door was bland and the paint was beginning to chip off. So I painted it. Isn't it stunning?! Sometimes I go outside, go to the street and just stand and look at its beauty. (It used to be the same color as the trim. )

Brent was digging many, many holes for all the many, many flowers I purchased for the front beds. As he was digging a particularly deep hole for my new pink jasmine, he encountered this monster!! It took him 15 good minutes and several shovels to pry it from the ground! Of coarse I had to have the hole RIGHT there. :)

My beautiful pink jasmine. I love it. In the back ground you can see the new arbor I bought to go over our walk way. We are hoping to encourage the jasmine to gleefully crawl its way up the metal. It smells SOOOOO good.
*More to come on other paint jobs, the finished fence and the rest of the flowers!!
K so I saw your stick family on the bottom. Are you prego?! And good work on the house stuff!
It is looking gorgeous... but lots of work. I love the door!
Sooo happy for you, and yes I will def. let you girls know when we'll be there. I am anxious to see you all. =)
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