This darling little girl is going to be the death of me!! Over the holiday season, I slacked off on my role as 'the pack leader of our family' and my oh my I'm suffering. The amount of ignoring me, screaming temper tantrums that could shock a demon, anger and sheer stubbornness has been enough to make the devil sit down and sigh. I appealed to my sister with all of my woes, and she recommended a book entitled Love and Logic Magic. She even let me borrow a copy! I read a few chapters, disheartened and low on faith. But decided to give it a try. I figured it couldn't be worse than the insanity I was experiencing! And low and behold it worked. My little demon is currently slumbering away, and I have a whole 2-3 hours of private time. (Insert angelic singing here)
Now usually I don't find the need to go by books. I think of them as maybe guidelines more than rules. And some of them I think are just stupid. But seeing as how at this point, I am willing to trade my sister my child for BOTH of hers, I thought something must be working on the Wheeler end!!
So thank you to my sister for the help. And thank you Ella bug for being semi agreeable for the first time in your little life! Amen! Holy crap! Where's the Tylenol!!
Amen holy crap where's the tylenol. That's some funny stuff! I'm laughing away in the office and my children think that I am having an epileptic fit. I'm glad the book worked. And you know what my little children are capable of, why do you think I have the book in the first place? :)
Hey, so ummm... maybe I could borrow a copy of the book? P.S. I dont have your phone number, but I would love to hang out with you while we are here. email me your number: danielleterril@gmail.com
"...enough to make the devil sit down and sigh" haHA! LOVED this.
I've got to get my hands on a copy of that book.
...or maybe an exorcist. Seriously.
I love it!
oh Ashley she officailly looks like you in this photos.
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