Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day 23: Sparkle

My children are so excited for Christmas, they have gone bananas.
It's like 2 large birds flew into my house, are trapped,and are now trying to escape.

 This little chicken comes in every morning after her daddy leaves at 4 am and takes over his half of the bed.

 This morning I told her it was Christmas Eve Eve, and this is the face she gave me.
Christmas Eve Eve, for those of you who don't know, is the day before Christmas Eve.
It has been a long celebrated day, filled with games and movies to pass the day so Christmas Eve can come!!

Ella thought Brent would be home this morning and was disappointed when he wasn't.
I assured her he would be home for Christmas Eve and Christmas.
She asked if he couldn't just come home right now.
I told her daddy can't just leave work, unless it was a serious emergency.
She asked what kind of emergency.
I randomly threw out, 'get hit by a car.'
She called me from the other room for this.
"Mommy take a picture and tell daddy Mini hit me in her car!!"
Nice try sweetie.

These are sparkling blue eyes that can NOT wait for Santa to come!!!

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