Ella got to be star of the week for her class.
We sat down and answered the questions together.
It was so fun!!
I'm excited for her teacher this year and I'm happy she has little friends in her class.
Favorite color: Light Blue
Favorite food: Ravioli
Favorite thing to do: swim

I'm special because:
I have VERY curly hair!!
I want to be an artist when I grow up.
Fall back career choices: drive a steam roller or teach Zumba.....she quite well rounded!!
Favorite movie: How to train your dragon
Favorite sport: Dance
Pets: Molly
She big and fat and mostly mean, but she snuggles at night.
He's fun to play with and chases a string. He also attacks feet!!
My Special Things.
My stuffed toothless that growls.
My family history.
I descend from royalty and I am even related to Christopher Columbus!!
My name.
I'm named after my great Granny.
I only have one sister.
Her name is Scarlet.
My favorite book is 'Bad Kitty'.
I love dragons!!
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