Some days, I don't want to busy. I just want to watch a movie, or read, or play quietly. Anyone with children of any age knows these days are few and far between!! And today was one!! YAY!!
*I went to pilates and out instructor sadistically tortured us taught a really good class.
*I went to the grocery store BY MYSELF. Mothers every where know this is a zen experience.
*Ella and I went to the pool. I think we will be there often this summer. Girlfriend is a little fish!!
*We came home and baked cookies. I was so helicopter mom about letting her pour in all the ingredients, and then when it came time for the flour, she carefully and cautiously poured. I turned on the kitchen aid with a little too much vigor and sent a cloud of flour dust every where. Nice.
Scarlet has to have 2 ounces of water with her medicine every night. She doesn't like plain water in a bottle, so I have to fill a medicine dropper and spray it down her throat. Today I decided it was time to try a sippy cup. I haven't tried, because honestly? I don't care!! She snatched it out of my hand, held it herself and drank from it like she had been for years!! Scarlet NEVER does anything with out a dedicated effort on my part, so I was thrilled!!
As you probably noticed above, we spent the day in our swimming suits, or our pajamas!! Another favorite part of a lazy day!! For the record, I had on really cute, matchy Victoria Secret ones and Scarlet chose to projectile vomit on me. She never does that!! She laughed so wickedly afterward. I took it personal.
I broke out my old barbies for Ella. They are such a mess I only pull them out once in a while. She was entertained ALL AFTERNOON!!! Please disregard naked Barbie. Ella really was in the process of clothing her!
Ella wandered in during bath time and asked if she could get in with Scarlet. I've never done this before. Not because I'm concerned about it, their schedules are just different, so I've never needed to.
They had so much fun!! Scarlet's favorite thing in the world is Ella!! She laughs at everything she does. They enjoyed a long soaked together.
AND FINALLY!! I am very easily pleased. Very simple things make me happy. My hall bathroom needed a new mat. The bathroom is done in pink and I couldn't find one I was willing to look at every day. But I found this at Target. It's big, and soft, and all loopy!! Every time I walked into that bathroom now I catch myself smiling at it!! I also bought new nail polish.
I'm glad we had a good day. A satisfying, relaxing, simple day!!