Thursday, February 4, 2016

What does Mommy.....

I found this little list and decided to try it with my girls. All answers were unsolicited!! I was pleasantly surprised by their answers!!

1. What is something mommy always says to you?
E: Listen!! I love you. Have a good day.
S: Pay attention. Go to your room.

2. What makes mommy happy?
E: Us!!
S: Christmas

3. What makes mommy sad?
E: When we don't listen. When we're sick.
S: When you miss daddy

4. How does mommy make you laugh?
E: tickles
S: Being silly

5. What was mommy like as a child
E & S: I don't know

6. How old is mommy?
E: 31
S: 6?

7. How tall is mommy?
E: 5 ft
S: very tall

8: What is mommy's favorite things to do?
E: cooking
S: exercise

9. What does mommy do when you're gone?
E: go places
S: watch tv

10. If I was famous, what would I be famous for?
E: cleaning
S: killing rats

11. What is mommy good at?
E: cleaning and cooking
S: running and exercise

12. What is mommy not good at?
E: catching gophers
S: killing spiders

13. What is my job?
E: stays home. does hair.
S: cleaning

14: What is mommy's favorite food?
E: fruit and steak
S: Ravioli

15: What makes you proud of mommy?
E: You are always helpful
S: Kiss attacks

16: What do we do together?
E: Games
S: Everything

17. How are we alike?
E: Same eye shape. Same ears. Same body shape. Good at writing.
S: Same ears.

18. How are we different?
E: Hair color. Eye color.
S: Hair and eyes

19. How do you know mommy loves you?
E: Nice to me. Gets us pets. Makes me lunches.
S: When you miss me at school.

20. What do I like most about daddy?
E: He's a police officer
S: He loves you

21. Where is my favorite place to go?
E: Walmart
S: Beauty store

22. How old was I when you were born?
E: 20 something
S: Big

I love my little chickens so much.
I had started getting into the habit of calling them my little monsters, or my little blood sucking vampires, or little devils.
I realized that while it was all in good fun, it was still negative.
If anyone has watched "Parks & Rec" with Leslie Knope, I stole some of her compliments for her best friend Ann and have made some up myself.

My beautiful land mermaids.
My beautiful starfish.
My graceful, leaping porpoises.
My graceful, swaying sea ferns.
My majestic, golden unicorns.

They giggle, and now every night as I tuck them into bed they ask me, "What are we today!?" I've become quite inventive!!

1 comment:

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