Monday, October 19, 2009

New Baby.....

Ella's new favorite food: potato chips.
She has also learned to climb. Great.
Note: She is usually dressed a lot cuter than this, but both these pictures were taken right before bed.

HAHAHA!! I bet you all thought I was referring to myself, but I tricked you all!! My sister in law just gave birth a few days ago and it has started me thinking, when will Ella get her sister? (I am convinced I will only give birth to girls, as I was cursed by my mother to do so. Don't laugh, the curse is powerful. I also do not plan on having more than 2 children.) I have been asked the "when is the next one coming" question since Ella was blessed at the ripe ol' age of 5 weeks. Isn't it interesting that in the LDS community the anticipation of the arrival of the NEXT child is so often speculated on! I remember at Brent and my wedding reception, we were asked when we were planning on having a baby. I looked at that person and with a naughty smile said, "Well, there is a very important step that has to come first, and we can't leave here for 45 more minutes." Said person was embarrassed. I was delighted. BUT, back to my original question: when is Ella's little sister coming? WHEN THE SHOCK FROM HAVING HER WEARS OFF.


Terril Family said...

In that case I am speculating about 18 years before baby #2 arrives! Let me know how that goes for you. HAHA!

marshall memories said...

Ashley!! Ella looks adorable in that second pic!! She is so beautiful! Your never ready for #2 until you can't turn back and they are well on there way!! :) Glad to see she is back to her old self and feeling better!!

P.S. I did get your email but haven't wrote you back... I will soon, I promise!!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha..there is one of those witty comments that I love about you. I think now is a good time. We can play together :-)

Jed Wheeler Family said...

I love it!
Potato chips are a tasty bedtime snack, however, I prefer cheez-its.

Annie Leavitt said...

ok, i can't stop laughing. i love it. my cousin would look them straight in they eye and say, "I'm sterile. Wanna let me adopt yours?" let's just say no one ever asked them again about "when" "next" and "how many". : )

ps-someone already asked me too. freak, i have 3 people!

ShEiLa said...

Oh you silly girl...
I can relate.

WE were coming home from the hospital with Ted... and Tony turned to me ansd said, When are we having another one???? I looked at him with the stink eye and said, YOU can't possibly be serious??? Can I get over this one first???


Trent & Tara said...

lol she is a cutie...yep i tend to get asked that all the time. I just got my body back