Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Year Goals

Every year I start the year with goals to change and make my self better. 
This year is a little different. 
This year I have goals to simply MAINTAIN life. 
Brent and I have our family in a place of stability and happiness and we want to work toward keeping it that way!! 
It’s not perfect by any means. 
Scarlet needs some serious effort put towards her tantrums and how I choose to deal with them. 
I’d like to step up my game a little with Ella’s homework. She’s doing great, but we put forth minimal effort. She could be doing even better if we really applied ourselves!! 
We want to make some improvements on the house. 
Grass, flowers and some paint.
Brent and I would like to be able to spend more time together and get to the temple. 
We want to do better at saving money.

That is all I want for 2014.
I just want to maintain!! 
I don't need to be bigger or better or have lofty goals!!
I just want my family to be happy!!

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