Monday, February 9, 2015

Bass Pro

Brent was able to have a day off this weekend and we decided to go actually do something as a family!!
We don't get a lot of Saturdays together, so we try to make the best of them!!
We decided to head into bass pro so the girls could see all the animals and fish.
 Ella wanted to get into the tank and swim with the fish.
Or catch one with her bare hands.
 Scarlet thought the fish were trying to attack her.
She felt this way about all the animals there.
Especially the giraffe.
So here lies the reason I have not tried to brave Disneyland yet.
Noises and people are not something Scarlet copes with easily.
 Ella has declared she wants a REAL bow with arrows that have POINTY ends, so she can hunt a turkey.
 Still skeptical that the fish will not attack her.
 Managing to be brave for picture.
She felt a lot better after a trip to the Disney store.
The animals were buy one, get one for a dollar.
We came home with Pongo and Purdy.
She spent 20 minutes just playing in the pile of stuffed animals.
And I must say, when she wanted to take home about 20 animals, and was only allowed 2, she quite willingly chose the ones she wanted and headed to the check out line.
Small victories.

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