Friday, October 6, 2017

Le Floof

Oreo the cat has added quite the amount of energy into our home!!
We describe her as "an angry cotton ball with claws".
She has long silky fur and Brent has already committed to vacuuming duties when
SHED season is upon us.
Yes I take too many pictures of my cat.
This is what happens when you lose a uterus at 32 that you were not quite ready to part with.
I also just bought a butterfly Halloween costume for my dog.
I am not sorry.
Here she is eating the Ensign.
Unholy creature.

Sometimes I forgive her evil sneak attacks and eating of important papers,
because she really does bring a great amount of joy to my children.

 She goes from a biting kill machine....
To literally 2 minutes later-
purring wiggle floof of love.
And if she sleeps,
she wants to cuddle.
The girls are her favorite,
she'll settle for me,
and in a pinch she's willing to loaf herself on top of poor Kato.
Here is Oreo enjoying an episode of Golden Girls.

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