I have been blessed this week with several acts of tender mercy.
Now I will admit that I struggle with self pity.
It is my greatest character weakness.
So when a simple act of kindness comes my way, I cherish it!!
I will never forget it!!
But just in case, I want to write it down.
First, I would like to say that my last post was not about pity.
I wasn't trying to get others to feel sorry for me.
I was merely trying to explain myself as a way to protect myself.
I also believe that awareness is knowledge and maybe someone won't feel alone if they know there is someone else out there who is going through a similar experience as they are.
I found it interesting that when I posted a link on face book to my blog, I had several comments that were very kind and encouraging.
But I had EIGHT personal messages from people who were too afraid to let the world know they too struggled with mental health. And that's ok, because sometimes, it IS just a private thing!!
But each message included a phrase of "please don't tell anyone, I don't want anyone to know"
So to those people.
I am sorry.
Stay strong.
I am praying for you.
On to my blessed moments!!
Sunday I was leaving the parenting class that I attend.
I have great admiration and respect for the teacher and she is an amazing example to me.
She is teaching me SO much and I know that when this course is over, I will accredit it to my children's happiness and well fare!!
There is a sister who attends this class as well.
She's a little older than me, and well versed in life experiences!!
I greatly admire her.
She is talented, has a great marriage and happy children.
To my observations, she is loving and talented and wise!!
As I walked out into the darkness after class, I heard my name softly called.
I turned and she told me she wanted to talk to me.
We talked toward each other and met in the middle of the dark parking lot.
I am thankful for the dark that night, it helped conceal my emotions.
As we met she tenderly told me she was sorry for what I was going through and hoped I could feel better as soon as I could. She embraced me in a deep, enveloping hug and kindly whispered that she admired my courage and she knew I was going to get through this and be stronger than ever.
I can not describe how deeply touched I was.
This woman, that I consider and elect lady, cared for me.
She thought about me and prayed for my well fare.
She didn't announce it to the world, she simply took a private moment to put her arms around me, and express her support and love.
It was such an example!!
I was so touched. I don't like to publicly cry because I do NOT have a pretty cry!!
My face crunches and my eyes squint and moisture does not just flow from my eyes!!
But tears welled up and my heart was so full for the kindness this woman took the time to give me.
I have thought about that experience all week.
And it has given me courage.
Sometimes I feel left out.
Sometimes I feel like I am not important enough for anyone to care.
But today, a perfect stranger took time to care for me.
I don't know her. She knows my blog through family members and has read it.
In her loving kindness, she took the time to bring me a basket.
We were gone so it was waiting for me on my door step.
It was filled with my families favorite things.
Including fresh green beans.
Those are Ella's favorite!!
I was so touched.
I can't put it into sufficient words.
I was crouched on my porch, tears rolling down my face when Brent found me.
I looked up at him and he told me he wished he would have taken a picture of my face.
The pure joy and gratefulness was so clear on my face, he wanted to get me a basket every day!!
He tenderly told me it was like he recognized my face again.
Thank you Emily.
Thank you so much for being so kind and thoughtful.
You are an example to me and an answer to my prayers.
You helped me remember tender mercies and restored my faith in humanity.
Thank you for being such a sweet person.
Am I sad today?
Am I scared today?
Only just a little. And that is so much progress.