Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day 10: Joy

On Friday the 5th, we left after the Christmas program and went to the St. George Temple to see the lights.
We've never gone before because my girls are sensitive to their bed times until a certain age!!
Scarlet isn't quite there yet, but we decided to be brave!!

 It was worth it.
The Spirit of the Temple and all it stands for even resides on its grounds.
My girls frolicked along the paths, filled with joy at the sight of all the lights and Nativity Scene.

 In a burst of uncontrolled excitement Ella exclaimed,
"I'm so happy I have to hug this bush!!"
Scarlet joined in.

 When we entered the visitor center, both my daughters fell into a complete and reverent hush.
Both of their blue eyes turned to The Christus and in soft tones they whispered, "Jesus."
My heart just melted and tears came to my eyes that they immediately recognized their Savior and knew they were in a sacred place.

 Ella saw the wound in his side on his feet and quietly told me that she knew why they were there.
Her usual bright and mischievous little face was so serious.
She tenderly ran her fingers across His marble foot and then solemnly took my hand and we continued down the hall.

 There was a whole room filled with nothing but Nativity Scenes.
This was my favorite.
Sometimes I think Santa gets scathingly scoffed at as a symbol of greed and materialism.
I don't agree.
Santa chose Christ's birth for the special day he would give to others.
I think the fun and magic of Santa  and the birth of our Savor can be incorporated.
I love how he is tenderly gazing down at the Christ child.
 This was Brent's favorite.

 This was Ella's.
I took pictures of a dozen more but didn't want to overwhelm anyone with all of them!!

It was a special night and we will be back.
I am grateful for the Spirit we felt and to be near God's temple.
I am so grateful for these 2 little girls and their wonderful father.

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