Thursday, June 11, 2015

Our First Get Away!!!

Brent and I have never left our children over night.
With the exception of hospital stays.
We decided since we celebrated our 10th anniversary in May, we were going to have some time foe ourselves!!
We went big and really crazy and stayed 3 nights in Mesquite!!
And I don't care if that sounds lame!!
We had an amazing time!!
We woke up at 6 am every morning to this little family of Mallards.
We ran 3 miles and then worked out at the Mesquite Rec Center.
Yes, we like our fitness.
And it was very refreshing to be able to do it together and not try to juggle around kids!!
We chatted while we ran.
Brent helped me remember how to use free weights again!!
And I'll tell you what!!
I haven't lifted weights in years, and the endorphins I had rushing threw me for hours after our work out were AMAZING!!
 We made it to the Temple!!
It was a peaceful, beautiful session and we were able to do some family work for Brent's mom's family.
 We were able to swing into random places to just see what they were!!
We are not spontaneous people.
IIIII am not a spontaneous person.
But it was so fun to just try it!!
In true Alderete fashion, I saw a wild life museum and couldn't resist!!
 My hilarious, spunky little niece's favorite animal is a warthog.
A warthog.
I sent this picture to my sister and she text back saying that my little Elisey kept laughing her cackle laugh and saying
"A waaaarthog!!"
I swear it is smiling just for her!!

I have a deep and terrible fear of alligators.
I am convinced they live in the lake and are just biding their time for the water to dry up just a little more before they come out in the open in their true reign
of terror.
Do not for one moment think I am kidding.
 We spent a few hours every evening relaxing by the pool.
Funny enough, clouds rolled in and it stormed all three evenings!!
It was beautiful and I would never complain about a day with clouds in this desert.
But alas, we did not come home with suntans!!
It was wonderful to spend time together.
To TALK without interruption.
About everything.
About nothing.
"Vacation" Brent and Ashley are funny, fun people!!
We knew they were inside somewhere!!
I think my little chickens are plotting to slowly steal our souls!!

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