Thursday, April 13, 2017


We sent Easter Bunny an email last week,
asking him if he could please come early this year,
since Brent has to work Easter Sunday.
He agreed!!
So we had Easter On Wednesday this year!!

 It was a beautiful, crisp morning.
Ella popped out of bed at 6am,
as is her nature.
Scarlet soon followed!!

 I found these fun confetti eggs at Walmart!!
I was the one who MAYBE started the egg throwing......
My cat has been so weird lately.
She is mostly a lazy, ornery, unpleasant beast,
who really doesn't serve much of a purpose.
Very rarely she will show some small form of affection to us and then we
all swoon and mush over her.
Then she goes back to reining in righteous indignation.
But lately!!!
She's been wanting to be petted.
She's been playing with sticks of all things!!
She ran around crazy while the girls hunted eggs and would randomly start furiously digging in the dirt, only to spring away and pounce on a leaf.
Kato did not join us.
His big weenie butt stepped outside,
felt the cold air,
and noped out in a stumpy, brown blur.

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