Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What's in a Name

I saw this on my friend Sheila's blog and thought is was interesting. I also thought I would share!

1.Do you have cultural or religious naming traditions? No. Brent and I are just two regular white people so we didn't have much to go off of!! :)

2. Did you or your partner come to your marriage with pre-selected names? Yes. Although we did not use any of them! Brent liked Elizabeth. We actually did consider this and will again when we have another little girl. I liked Kyrah, Shena and Jessa. But I won't use them. I think I liked them for too long, didn't use them and are now sick of them.

3. Did you consider the sound of the first and middle and last name combination? Yes! I really liked Aurora. But Aurora Bowler sounded like aurora boreallis. Brent said it also sounded like someone barfing.

4. Did you have veto power? Yes. Brent didn't really need it because his names were simple and tasteful. But I admit some of mine were weird. I started to get a little too creative.

5. Did baby naming cause arguments? Nope.

6. Did you think was easier to name boys or girls? Well we only have one girl and that wasn't too bad! But I really can't answer that.

7. Did you eliminate names because of people from your past or present who you don't like or because a certain image come to mind? Yes! There are certain names I would never name my child because I know someone with that name or because someone I dislike has named their child that name.

8. Did you tell people the child's name before it was born or 'keep it in the vault'? I told everyone what I was going to name Ella. I didn't really care who knew. I had never heard the name before so I figured it wasn't being used. Since Ella was born about 100 of them have popped up. I also wanted to call her by her name so she would recognize it.

9. Did you use baby name books. Yes. It was very important to me that her name mean something. My name is boring and means something boring so I wanted it to be special.

So what did I name my child?.....
Ella Ruth Bower

Ella is Old English for ALL. I thought that was beautiful because she is 'my all'.
Ruth was my Granny's name and I found out I was pregnant the day she died. Also, Ruth was the friend of Naomi in the bible. So it was a the name of a righteous woman.
I love her name. I think it is beautiful. Just like I love her and think she is beautiful.


Lauren said...

What a fun post!
Oh and we should totally start a "We're not pregnant and don't plan to be anytime soon, so stop asking club!"

Anonymous said...

=) nice post.. check also my blog tnx

Anonymous said...

I really love Ella Ruth too. It is really pretty. I love this post.