Wednesday, January 25, 2017


My wonderful, awesome brother in law
took his FOUR children,.
and my TWO children,
and headed to Gravady last weekend!!

Waiting for your turn is HARD.
Jed has been my brother for longer than the official (almost) 13 years.
He is so kind and gentle with my kids.
He takes them fun, wonderful places,
like the lake,
and to Gravady.
Or hiking.
Or shooting.
He puts Scarlet up on the ski trainer and tells her she can do it!!
I can do the same thing, but she can hear the fear in my voice and see it in my eyes!!
He has no reservations,
and all confidence that it will be ok,
and it always is!!
I appreciate he took my girls to do something fun.
Because I have hard days.
And they make me sad, because I can't go do fun things.
And I know my girls miss out.
And I feel the guilt,
and the common feelings of not being enough.
I am grateful to my sister's husband,
that he is kind.
That is patient and reassuring to nervous, or cranky, or crazy little girls.
I am blessed to have a wonderful sister,
who shares her wonderful family.

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