Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 23: Sunday Meetings

Some Sundays I literally cringe at the thought of attending sacrament meeting. 
The thought of trying to keep my children quiet for over an hour is just asking the impossible!!
But this Sunday was wonderful. 
Scarlet and Ella sat mostly quiet and colored or played with their lace up animals.
No one threw a fit!!
We sat all the way to the front, just the 2nd row back!! I thought this was the best choice as it was this or the hallway, and I was close to an exit!!
A wonderful empty nest couple sat in front of us and were truly patient. When Scarlet had her giant brown puppy nom on the back of his head, he merely smiled indulgently at her and went back to listening.
I actually got to half listen to one of the speakers and she gave a lovely talk.
The music was up lifting.
Hymns speak to me and I am always so happy and excited when the music has the opportunity to sooth my spirit.
Ella wanted to go to primary.
We usually go straight home because Scarlet isn't supposed to be in any kind of play group or day care setting. Her immune system is spotty and it can get her very sick. More so than the average child.
But we didn't have anything else to do and one of her favorite cousins and aunt were in there, so we decided to chance it for a week!!
She did wonderful.
She played nice and had fun and enjoyed herself.
She rarely enjoys noise, people or other children. It was nice that we didn't have stress.
We had an awesome lunch at my parent's house and have been spending the rest of the day quietly playing and watching a Christmas movie. 
It's so nice to have a level of peace and calm once in awhile.
I am grateful for church leaders.
I'm grateful for ANYONE who is willing to have a church calling!!
Anyone who willing serves in the nursery deserves a special place in Heaven!!

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