Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 9: Sleep

I am not a sleeper. I need about 6 hours a night and that's good enough. 
I don't really need naps and rarely take them.
BUT, I am also an insomniac. There are nights I will literally never fall asleep.
I will merely doze off for a few minutes at a time and then get up again.
Sometimes I will only get 45 minutes of sleep all added together.
It leads to a very tiring day the next day.
Usually those are the days Scarlet decides not to nap or I have something important to do and I'm not able to try to make up the rest.

So today I am grateful for sleep.
Ella did not sleep until she was a year and I FORCED her to!!
Now she does very well!!
I am grateful that she responded to the training!!
I'm grateful Scarlet has been a good sleeper since she came home to us. 
That is a wonderful blessing!!

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