Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July!!

We had a great day celebrating our Independence Day!! 
Brent woke up feeling very patriotic and was not satisfied with having nothing to do.
He called his brother and that snowballed into more brothers and sister and his parents were home earlier from vacation than we thought.
We all met together and ate food and had other people to talk to than ourselves!!
It was a great day!!
The girls went swimming and had cousins to play with.

 Ella has been a 4th of July trooper from the beginning. We were thinking back to all our summers since she was born and we have dragged her out to every fire works display since she was just a week shy of a year old!!

This was Scarlet's FIRST year!!!
She is very sensitive and hates loud noises, people and exceeding her bedtime by more than 10 minutes. 
Brent has worked nights for the last 6 years.
I would send Ella with her Wheeler cousins and stay home while Scarlet went to sleep.
I'd usually stand on the back porch and watch the fireworks from a distance.
I was curious to see how she acted!!
The first explosion went up and her eyes got really big.
She brought her blanket all the way up to her eyes and peered suspiciously at the next to blast across the sky.
Then she quietly whispered, "I want to go home now."
I pulled her onto my lap and she sat there contently for the rest of the show.
About half way into it she decided it wasn't too bad and oohed and awwed and commented on loudness and size.

 Brent is so good at picture taking!!
I think the flash blinded him.
But this is the only few pictures I got so they need to be preserved.

 We went to the elementary school play ground and it was perfect.
The sprinklers were on in the distance, creating a light, cooling mist quality.
The wind was blowing just enough to keep us cool but not too hard to be a nuisance.
It was dark and peaceful and the fireworks were beautiful. 

 The fireworks always brings tears to my eyes.
The patriotic music.
It's so nostalgic.
It reminds me of all the good memories I've ever had and it helps me remember of all my many blessings. 
 I am grateful for the country I live in.
I'm a little disappointed in its current state, but I'm hoping it improves.
But it is my freedom that allows me to say that!!
I am grateful for those who serve and gives their lives to keep me safe.

God Bless America!!

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