Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Nick Names

I have a few nicknames but mostly people call me Ash. Very few people call me by my full name. Very few indeed!! I have never liked my name. It’s common and I feel like it’s associated with blond homecoming queens or other equally vapid women!! Plus it doesn't have any kind of special meaning. Ashley means- ash tree.

My dad calls me peanut & my granny called me lady bug. Brent calls me turtle dove or sweat pea sometimes.

I call Scarlet my little chicken. When she was little she made a funny squawking noise that sounded like “BOCK!”

I call Ella Missy Prissy or Missy Duck. When she was a newborn, Brent’s aunt had given me a ducky towel. She was all wrapped up and so cute and her cry sounded like a quack.

I call Brent muffin.

I call my brother “Little Buddy” from Gilligan’s Island. When we were little we spent a good amount of time at my granny’s and she watched a lot of classic TV!! My sister and I also called him Bubba Clubba, from a Donald Duck episode that had a cave duck in it. This was a looonnnggg time ago. I think he was around 2!!
I call every one either sweetie or honey. I started doing it when I was doing hair in Mesquite. I would forget names and clients would come in and I wouldn't have time to look at my books to refresh myself with who they were. It made the men feel special and most of the time the women called me the same thing. Now it's just kind of a habit!!

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